If you purchased a policy from F&G while living in the United States and are now moving outside of the U.S., this information will help you stay in touch, manage your policy and receive policy benefits.
Managing your policy while outside of the U.S.
I purchased a policy while living in the U.S. and am moving to another country. Can I keep my policy in force?
A policyholder can live outside the U.S. and keep their policy in force as long as their premiums are paid. F&G only accepts premium payments in U.S. dollars from U.S. sources.
Can premium payments be made to F&G from a foreign bank account?
No. F&G can only accept premium payments in U.S. dollars from U.S. sources.
If I am leaving the U.S., can I choose to cancel my policy?
A policy can be canceled at any time with a request in writing. Contractual surrender charges and other penalties may apply.
How will I receive communications from F&G after leaving the U.S.?
F&G will mail policy information, statements and checks to international addresses through USPS first class mail. To receive mailed communications outside of the U.S., you will need to update your address when you move out of the country.
How can I stay in touch with F&G from outside of the country?
Our Policyholder Portal website allows web traffic originating from the U.S., Puerto Rico and India. If you reside outside of those areas, you will not be able to access the Policyholder Portal. However, policyholders residing outside of the U.S. can contact F&G by mail or online.
P.O. Box 81497
Lincoln, NE 68501-1497
United States of America
P.O. Box 81497
Lincoln, NE 68501-1497
United States of America
Fill out the “Email us” form with your name, contact information and a brief description of your request on our policyholder support page. F&G’s Customer Care team will reach out to assist you. Visit the policyholder support page
Fill out the “Email us” form with your name, contact information and a brief description of your request on our policyholder support page. F&G’s Customer Care team will reach out to assist you. Visit the policyholder support page
Receiving policy benefits while outside of the U.S.
Will F&G accept documentation from foreign sources for death claims or living benefits claims?
For death claims on the life of a U.S. citizen who died outside of the U.S., F&G will require both an original copy of the foreign death certificate and the Consular Report of a U.S. Citizen Death Abroad. F&G reserves the right to require additional documentation at time of claim.
For death claims on the life of a non-U.S. citizen who died outside of the U.S., F&G will require an original copy of the foreign death certificate and reserves the right to require additional documentation at time of claim.
For living benefit claims, F&G requires the Insured to be treated by a Physician licensed and practicing in the U.S. in accordance with the policy’s rider language.
If a policyholder passes away, must their beneficiary live in the U.S. to receive the death benefit?
No. The death benefit will be paid in U.S. dollars by check mailed to the designated beneficiary, even if they live outside of the U.S.